Reach millions of fans looking for your ticket
We have a large community of fans looking for event tickets. If you create a listing, users searching for tickets to that event will be notified, and the ticket will sell quickly.
Sell tickets whenever and wherever you want
From your browser or by downloading our APP, you can manage your listings with just one click. We'll handle everything and notify you of any updates regarding your tickets and listings.
Legal, fair and with regulated policies
Rebel Tickets is regulated by Spanish laws and collects all seller information to ensure your safety as a buyer. We ensure that all sales are conducted legally, with controls to prevent fraud and ensure that the transaction is fair.
Upload your tickets
Select your tickets from your phone or browser, upload the PDF, and you can remove the pages you don't want to sell. Make sure all QR codes are visible. Don't worry! The tickets won't be shared with anyone until they are purchased.
Add a payment method
Enter a valid IBAN and account holder's name. We will use this information to process your ticket payments. It will be securely encrypted, and we won't be able to make any charges.
Receive the money!
When someone buys your ticket, we'll notify you, and your payment will be processed after the event via SEPA transfer to the IBAN you provided during the sales process. This process may take a few days.
Rebel Tickets partners with some promoters to create a closed circuit.
We ensure the buyer's access to the event through ticket name changes.
We invalidate the seller's ticket by creating a new one with the new buyer's information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, at Rebel Tickets we ensure that all transactions are secure. We have protection measures for buyers and sellers, ensuring the safety of all parties.
You will receive your tickets via email after completing your purchase. If you don't see them immediately, check your spam folder or contact us for assistance.
Yes, in most countries, ticket resale is legal as long as local regulations are followed. At Rebel Tickets, we operate safely and transparently within the legal framework.
Selling tickets with Rebel Tickets is very easy. Go to the 'Sell Tickets' section and follow the steps.
What our users say
Tenia mucho miedo de comprar en plataformas de reventa por malas experiencias que habian tenido algunos conocidos con algunas paginas, pero el evento al que queria ir estaba agotado, el proceso ha sido facil y pude usar la entrada en el evento. Muchas gracias :)
Compré una entrada el mismo día del evento, hice una consulta sobre la entrada y me contestaron al momento. Si me vuelvo a encontrar en las mismas volveré a utilizarla. Recomiendo la plataforma a todo el mundo que puedo.
Las entradas que quería vender no iban a estar disponibles hasta unos días antes del evento por lo que tenía miedo de si se iban a poder vender. Las acabaron comprando esa misma noche y recibí el dinero unos días más tarde. Repetiré seguro.
Rebel Tickets uses third-party cookies to offer you the best possible experience. You can read more in our cookie policy.